Sacred Honor


Hidden deep inside Odus is a NEW zone which is comparable to Lake Of Ill Omen in Kunark. The level range is approximately 20 to 45 yet some of the hardest mobs can hardly (or not) be soloed by characters in their low 50's. 

How to Get there: From the Druid ring or Wizard Spires in Toxxilla Forest head south to Paineel (-2300, -250). Go into Paineel and take first left (just before you would fall into "the pit" if you went straight). Keep right wall in sight and go over a hill to find the entrance to the Warrens and the Hole. The first left is to the Warrens (700, -800) and the one straight across is the entrance to the Hole. Going through the warrens is dark and confusing but the /LOC for the entrance to Stonebrunt is approx. -100, 1100. Good Luck!

Beware of wandering MOBs in Stonebrunt! The kobolds are not very difficult and there are several kobold camps close to the zone tunnel for lower levels (20-30). Do NOT venture up into the highlands unless you are above level 30 and EVEN THEN I recommend bringing a DECENT party of friends and having SoW or a way to escape in case you take on more than you can chew up and spit out. SEVERAL times we have pulled one only to have another then another and sometimes MORE! wander close enough to aggro on us. Do NOT use wolf form and do NOT kill the Kejekans (Cat Folk) if you wish to keep faction up so you can sell or do any of the quests! There is NO bank in this zone.

It is said there is a creature called Snow Beast who carries upon it a fabulous Monk-Only shoes called "Cat Paws"

Killing Heretics (south of the city) is possibly a faction plus with these Kejekans and one quest involves filling a container with heads from the Heretics and turning it in to the Kejekans in their city (approx 1100, -300). Apparently they do not live long as they are hunted by MOBs and players alike.

Have FUN exploring!   

Atop a hill (-3383, 507) looking down into the jungle towards the water

Wandering Kejekan in the highlands (they have the only city & venders in the zone)

IMORTANT NOTE: Those in wolf form are KOS to the Kejekans!

A couple of the cats you may run across...

NOTE: The named giant panda and white gorilla (Old Ghostback) can NOT be slowed in any way (snare, root, etc) but there might be a possibility of mezzing or stunning them. This has NOT been verified!


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