Definitions of Terms Used in EverQuest Ability Points Your character has primary and secondary statistics. Primary ones are bright green, and represent abilities most beneficial to your chosen occupation. The others are secondary, which means they still affect you, but aren’t quite as important. The box in the top right corner of the screen shows your bonus ability points. The amount differs by race and/or occupation. You can add these points to any ability, but you should probably add most of them to your green "primary" abilities. Click "+" to add a bonus point to an ability. Click "-" to remove a bonus point from an ability. (You can’t decrease any ability below its starting value, however.) Abjuration A skill only available to users of magic. The ability to cast spells of a defensive nature. Example: The Spell - Shield of Thorns. Agility AGI is a stat that affects your chance to dodge and/or avoid damage. Once you are hit, you take an armor roll for how much damage is absorbed. By this token, this stat is important even if you have great armor. Recommended stat for all classes: for melee types, you will fight better, and magic types with low hit points/armor class should take as few hits as possible. Also, the less you are hit, the less likely you are to be interrupted in your casting. Your character's starting Armor Class (AC) is also directly affected by this attribute. Alchemy Allows Shamans to concoct potions. Example: SoW Potion. Medicine Bag Required. Alcohol Tolerance The ability to metabolize the distorting, disorienting effects of alcohol. Very useful for a Warrior, as alcohol has beneficial effects such as temporarily raising Stamina and Strength. Alteration A spell casting skill. This is the ability to alter reality and make changes to already existing targets. Example: The Spell - Healing & Gate. Apply Poison A skill specific to the Rogue. If successful, the targeted weapon will have a chance to poison an enemy. Archery The ability to use the bow. This includes the Hunting Bow, the Short Bow, and the Long Bow. Backstabbing Allows the rogue class a chance to inflict massive amounts of damage with a single blow. The rogue must be positioned behind his mark. Baking As food is a vital part of an adventurer's life in Norrath, baking can be quite useful. Allows people to produce a wide variety of baked goods. Example: Bat Crunchies and Chocolate Chip Cookies. Oven or Spit required & Mixing Bowl or other baking pans required sometimes. Bash Meant to be used with a shield, this skill allows one a chance to temporarily stun an opponent as well as inflict a small amount of damage. Shield required. Beg Ability to beg coppers from NPCs. Bind Wound Allows the user a chance to begin to heal wounds. May be used an unlimited number of times, but immobilizes the user for a short period. May only be used on a target who has below half of their total HPs. Bandages required. Block A special skill of the Monk. Allows the user a chance to deflect an opponent's blow. Brass Instruments A skill unique to the Bard. Some Bard songs (spells) are only usable when using brass instruments. Brewing The fine art of making alcohol. Allows any inhabitant of Norrath to produce potent alcoholic beverages. Your friends will love you if you bring them free beer. Example: Mead or Short Beer. Channeling A magic user with ability in this skill will be able to cast a spell faster no matter the spell's type. Charisma CHA affects NPC prices, when both buying and selling, also how NPCs will react to you. While generally not a stat that most people raise, saving some hard-earned platinum on an item is always great. Also, CHA is almost the INT of faction. By having high CHA, you reduce the amount of faction you need to have NPCs change their view toward you. It is also a factor for Charm spells, which notably affects the enchanter. Some enchanters have found that the higher their CHA is, the less they tend to fizzle and be resisted when casting a spell. Class Names Listed respectively by levels 1 to 50, 51, 55, then 60. Bard, Minstrel,
Troubador, Virtuoso (See the Creation Chart under EQ Info for explanation of the above Classes.) Common Tongue Ability to speak and understand the Common Tongue. Conjuration A spell casting skill. Allows the user to call upon the arcane forces to summon something into being. Example: Food, Water, Weapons, Bandages, Pets, etc... Consider Messages for Monsters & NPC's Rank Message +4 ally +3 warmly +2 kindly +1 amiably 0 indifferently -1 apprehensively -2 dubiously -3 threateningly -4 ready to attack Dark Speech Ability to speak and understand the special dark tongue of the Dark Elf, Troll, and Ogre kind. Defense The general ability to save one's own skin in melee combat. Deities Consider your deity choice carefully, you can’t change it later, and it affects your faction standings with other groups. Your standing is simply how you are perceived by other groups or factions. Example: Innoruuk believers of hate aren’t welcome at the Paladin’s temple in Qeynos. Certain actions you perform in the game can improve or harm your standing with a particular group. Any time this happens, you are given a message on your text display. You’ll want to pay close attention to any faction messages you receive, the more advanced your character, the more important your faction rating becomes. Deities To Choose From AGNOSTIC (Not committed to a belief in the existence or non-existence of any deity.) BERTOXXULOUS (The Plaguebringer) BRELL SERILIS (The Duke of Below) BRISTLEBANE (The King of Thieves) CAZIC - THULE (The Faceless) EROLLISI MARR (The Queen of Love) INNORUUK (The Prince of Hate) KARANA (The Rainkeeper) MITHANIEL MARR (The Lightbearer) PREXUS (The Ocean Lord) QUELLIOUS (The Tranquil) RALLOS ZEK (The Warlord) RODCET NIFE (The Prime Healer) SOLUSEK RO (The Burning Prince) THE TRIBUNAL (The Six Hammers) TUNARE (The Mother of All) VEESHAN (The Wurmqueen) (See the Creation Chart under EQ Info for explanation of the above Classes.) Deities & Sub-Deities You may encounter in game, but cannot choose from as of yet
(The Wintry Guardian)
FENNIN RO (The Tyrant of Fire)
(The Veiled One)
TAREW MARR (The Fathom Lord, Ruler of the Triumvirate of Water)
THE RATHE (The Council)
XEGONY (The Queen Of Air) Sub-Deities
AYONAE RO (The Maestra)
DRUZZIL RO (The Matron of the Art)
LUCLIN (The Maiden of Shadows)
(The Lord of Dreams)
(The Mistress of Torment/Pain)
(The Beholder of Battle)
(The Dream Scorcher)
(Lord of Greed)
(The Governor of War)
(The Forsaken) Dexterity DEX determines how often a weapon with a process (or "proc") activates itself. A good example of a weapon with a proc is a Short Sword of Ykesha. The higher your DEX, the more often the chance that this weapon will proc. It also plays a part in how often your skills (including trade skills such as Tailoring) raise. Bards should take note, this is an important skill for them, and gauges how skillfully they can play their instruments. Disarm A very useful skill that actually causes the target to drop its weapon. This is often the death knell for your opponent, especially if you pick up the weapon before he or she does. Disarm Traps Allows a Rogue to make the rest of his party very happy by disarming potentially life-threatening traps on objects or in passageways. Divination The spell casting skill of making things visible or invisible. Dodge Simply put, a chance to get out of the way of your opponent's weapon. A very useful skill for all classes, but extremely useful for magic users who do not like being interrupted mid-spell. Double Attack Allows the user a chance to double their weapon's attack speed, thereby attacking twice in the time that it would have taken them to attack once. Dragon Punch Special Monk attack. Dual Wield Allows the user the ability to wield a weapon in each hand and a chance to attack with the second weapon. Eagle Strike Special Monk attack. Elder Elvish Ability to speak and understand Elder Elvish. Emotes Typing a phrase below causes a message to appear as stated. I have only included the animated emotes. More can be found at: Allakhazam You can do an emote and also add your own text by combining the emote with "say". The emote will also work with targeted NPC's and Mobs as well as players. Thus, if you type "/point say points at a snow bunny, indicating that she is ready to kill it" your character will execute the /point animation, and the text output will be: "Adrastea points at a snow bunny, indicating that she is ready to kill it.". You can also access the chat, emotes and commands in game by typing /help. Also, you can make complex emotes into hot keys using the % features below. which I have also included here: %T - Returns the current target. Example Hotkey: /g Incoming with a %T in hot pursuit" the Mob you have targeted will be filled in for the %T %S - Returns the subjective gender-specific pronoun for the target (He, She, It) %O - Returns the objective gender-specific pronoun for the target (Him, Her, It) %P - Returns the possessive gender-specific pronoun for the target (His, Her, Its) %R - Returns the race of the target (only works on Player characters) /agree - You agree with the targeted person /amaze - Amazed, you gasp at targeted person or you are amazed /apologize - You apologize to targeted person whole heartedly or apologize to everyone in the room /applaud - You applaud the performance of the targeted person or give a round of applause /bird - You make a rude gesture /bleed - You bleed quietly or all over the targeted person /blush - You blush at the targeted person or your cheeks are burning /boggle - You boggle at the target, shaking your head in disbelief /bored - You express that you are bored /bow - You bow to the targeted person /burp - You burp loudly /cackle - You cackle gleefully /cheer - Your character cheers. /chuckle - You chuckle /clap - You clap happily -- hurray /cough - You cough /cringe - You cringe away from the targeted person /cry - Your character cries or over targeted person /curious - You look at the targeted person curiously or look around curiously /dance - You stand on your tip toes and dance or you grab the targeted person and dance with him /disbelief - You shake your head in disbelief /drool - You drool, something must have gotten you excited, or you drool all over the targeted person. /duck - You duck, (great for getting through low places) /frown - You frown /gasp - You gasp in astonishment /giggle - You giggle /glare - You turn an icy glare at the targeted person or you glare at nothing in particular /grovel - You grovel before the targeted person /hungry - You say you need food badly /kneel - You kneel down or you kneel before the targeted person in humility and reverence /mourn - You lower your head and mourn the targeted person or the dead /peer - You peer at the targeted person intently, looking him up and down, or you peer around intently /plead - You plead desperately with the targeted person /point - You point at the targeted creature/person or straight ahead /ponder - You ponder the targeted person, what is going on with him. /puzzled - You look puzzled /raise - You raise your hand /ready - You let everyone (or targeted person) know you are ready /rude - You make a rude gesture at the targeted person. /salute - You salute the targeted person or the gods in pure admiration /shiver - You shiver.. brrr /shrug - You shrug /snicker - You snicker softly /stare - You stare dreamily at the targeted person, completely lost in her eyes, or you stare at the ground /tap - You tap your foot impatiently /thank - You thank the targeted person heartily /shiver - you shiver ... brrr. Or you shiver at the thought of messing with the targeted person /veto - You veto the (targeted person's) idea /wave - Your character waves /whistles - You whistle at the targeted person appreciatively, or you whistle a little tune /yawn - You yawn rudely in targeted person's face, or you open your mouth wide and yawns /emote (text) or /em or : (text) or /e - emotes the text. This is used to add fun to the game. For example, after a big battle, you can type /e feels weighted down -----> Encumbered. Everyone around you will see "Adrastea feels weighted down -----> Encumbered". Evocation A spell casting skill. This is the skill that allows its user to call forth tremendous forces of energy in order to cast purely offensive spells. Example: Ligtening Bolt & Shock of Frost. Feign Death A special Monk skill. Allows the user a chance to convince NPCs that they are dead and to attack someone else. Fishing Allows people to pull fresh fish or sometimes discarded and wrecked items from larger bodies of water. Up to a certain point, the more times you cast the better the chance of catching a fish. Example: Fish, Fish Scales, Rusty Dagggers & Tattered Sandals. Fishing Pole & Bait required. Fletching Allows anyone to construct a wide variety of bows and arrows. Example: Elm Linen Bow & Class 1 Point Porcelain Arrows. Fletching Kit Required. Flying Kick Special Monk attack. Food & Drink Each food and drink item has a message which tells you what type it is. This determines the duration of each food or drink item that you consume. Food or Drink Duration Snack 15 mins Whistle Wetter 15 mins Meal 30 mins Drink 30 mins Hearty Meal 60 mins Refreshing Drink 60 mins Banquet Meal 90 mins Flowing Drink 90 mins Feast 120 mins Enduring Drink 120 mins Forage A very useful skill of Rangers, Druids and Wood Elves. Allows them a chance to scrounge up food or water from the local surroundings. Example: Fishing Grubs, Berries, Rabbit Meat, and Pod of Water. Game Commands There are several useful commands used in game. I have listed what has seemed to be the ones that I use most often. For the complete list, go to: Allakhazam %T - Returns the current target. %S - Returns the subjective gender-specific pronoun for the target (He, She, It). %O - Returns the objective gender-specific pronoun for the target (Him, Her, It). %P - Returns the possessive gender-specific pronoun for the target (His, Her, Its). %R - Returns the race of the target (only works on Player characters). /afk - Toggle which will reply to all /tell(s) sent to you with the "Player is temporarily Away From Keyboard" message. Also shows up in /who with <AFK> at the front of the name. You can add your own message as well. Type "/afk out to lunch" and when someone sends you a tell, they wil get the message "out to lunch" /anon or /a - Makes you anonymous or removes your anonymous status in /who and /who all, preventing other players from seeing your class, level, guild and current location. /assist {target] -- If you target a player who is engaged in combat, the /assist command will automatically target for you whoever that player is fighting at the moment -- this can be very useful in heavy combat. you may want to set this as a Social and move it to your hot keys. /assist [ON/OFF] – Toggles the auto attack function associated with the /assist function. The default of ON turns on your auto attack when you use /assist. If you type /assist off then auto attack will not start when you use /assist. This is one case where you must use the parameters on and off for this to work. /attack [ON/OFF] – Toggles in and out of attack mode. This will put you in attack mode even if nothing is targeted. Be careful not to use this when near NPC's that you have targeted. By default, this is set to the "a" key. Care should also be taken when you are near an NPC that you have targeted not to hit the "a" key, as this may cause you to attack the NPC. One of the first things I did when I created my first character, was change this "a" to a "Q". I highly suggest that all do this change to a key rarely ever used as to never accidentally attack a vendor. /auction - Auctions item for sale to the zone /autosplit [/au] Automatically splits any loot you get with the rest of your party. /book [1-50] – Opens your spell book to the specified page. /bug or /b - Takes you to a bug-reporting screen. /camp [desktop/server] – Allows the player to exit to the server select screen or desktop depending on what is specified. You can use just /camp by itself as well. You must be sitting in order for this command to work. If attacked while camping out, the /camp command will be cancelled, thus preventing exit from the game. /cast [1-8] – causes your character to cast the spell in the specified memorization slot. /channel [gsay/ooc/shout/guild/auction] – toggles the chat channels on or off. /charinfo - tells you your bind point. /chatfontsize [0-5] – This is for Velious subscribers only. It is used in full screen mode only to change the chat font size. /consent [name] - Gives that person permission to drag your corpse using /corpse. /consider [/c] - Gives vital statistics of a targeted creature, PC or NPC. /corpse - Summons your corpse to your side if it is within 50'. This can be very handy if the critter that killed you is still standing over your dead body. It also helps if you died in molten lava or a shark infested pool. /decline - declines offer to duel. /disband [target] – Allows a character to disband from a group if he/she has themselves targeted. This command also allows the group leader to disband a targeted member of the group if they are in the same zone. /duck [/d] - you duck. /duel - Challenges targeted PC to a duel - to accept, they type /duel with you targeted as well. Duel is in effect until one "dies" (is knocked unconscious) or flees the zone. /dynamiclights [ON/OFF] – When on, this command enables players to see specially rendered lighting. This command is most useful when the player is holding, or has a light source with them, such as a torch. Turn this command to off if you notice low frame rate. /exit [/ex, /quit or /q] - Exits the game immediately and makes your character go linkdead (which means that you are still there for a minute or so and can be attacked). Really only for emergency uses, such as when parents come home or Cazic Thule is wiping your party out and leader yells CAMPOUT! /follow - Will follow the person who is targeted, if you are in his or her group. Be careful using in areas with water, cliffs, or lava since it doesn't discriminate between safe and unsafe areas to run. /friend [name] – Adds or removes a ‘friend’ from your friends list. Very useful command if you have friends you want to hook up with regularly. A /friend by itself will list the players in your friends list. A /who friend will let you know if anyone on your friends list is in the zone you are in, and a /who all friend will let you know if anyone on your friends list is on the server you are on. /ftell [msg] - sends a tell to everyone on your friends list. /g [/gsay] - Talks to everyone in your group. This can also be programmed as a default by right clicking on your chat screen while in windowed mode. Most people automatically set group chat as a default when they enter a group. /gems – Lets you play the Gems game. /help - list all of the available in game commands. If you don't want to print out this list, then this is the one command you probably should try to remember. /ignore [name] - Turns off all text from that player. This list works the same as the "friends" list /invite [target] – Invites targeted player into a group. This command can only be executed by the group leader. /language [help] returns a list of languages and their identification number. /language [#] sets the current language. /lfg [ON/OFF] – Indicates that you are “Looking for a Group” in the /who and “/who all” lists. /log [ON/OFF]- Logs all text locally to the user’s machine. The log.txt file that is generated can be found in your EverQuest directory. /loc (or /l) - You may want to put this command in your hot keys so that you can use it when you are about to die. Then you only have to scroll back up to see where your corpse is located. You can also use /loc to keep track of important locations within a zone or to coordinate positions with a friend. It gives you an X-Y set of coordinates of where you are or where the object you are targeting is. It works as follows: X - This is your North/South direction. The higher the number, the further North you are, and the lower the number the further South you are. Y - This is your East/West direction. The higher the number, the further West you are, and the lower the number, the further East you are. If you're trying to track down something and you have the coordinates but don't want to deal with the North/East/South/West thing, all you have to do is start walking around while rapidly using the /loc command and see the difference in x,y while you walk in different directions. If your current x is higher than the x you're trying to find, change directions until x starts to get smaller. /note [text] - Allows the player to write notes when in-game to be referenced later out of game. This creates a notes.txt file of the text. Each line of text sent using /note is appended to the end of this file. There is a maximum number of 455 characters when creating a note. /ooc - Makes an out of character statement to everyone in the zone. /petition [msg] - Used to request assistance for a GM. The more detailed the message is, the quicker the assistance can be rendered. /played - Gives you the birth date & hours played with your character. /random (x or x,y) - Generates a random number between 0 and x, or between x and y if two numbers are stated. This can be used to decide things randomly, for instance, who gets a recently acquired treasure. Example: /random 3 456 You will get a statement something like: Adrastea rolls the dice from 3 to 456 and the number comes up 367! /reply [/r] - Sends a /tell to the last person who sent you a /tell message. /report [name] - sends a report to the gm containing the visible 10 lines of text from your chat window. This is used to provide proof of harassment from other players. /roleplay (or /role) - Makes a character a roleplay character for those who wish to remain in character and have others know that. If the character is +PvP, the name tag above their head will appear as a darker shade of Red, whereas a non-PvP player's name will appear purple. When you are in roleplay, you are essentially anonymous (though your guild still shows). /say - You say the text to the people in the immediate vicinity. Normally the default method of communication. Useful if you have changed your default to group say. /serverfilter [ON/OFF] – Allows player to turn off or on packet messages from other players, allowing for less lag in raid situations. /shout - Shouts to all of the zone. Please don't use this for private conversations. Use /tell if you are talking to a single person or /group to talk to your group. /showspelleffects [ON/OFF] – Toggles spell effects (visuals) on or off. /sit [ON/OFF] – Causes your character to sit or stand. Useful to know when EQ decides to through you our to desktop and you are still in game and need to exit. /split # # # # - Splits a defined amount of money with your group: plat, gold, silver, & copper respectively...i.e. /split 4 3 2 0 splits 4 plat, 3 gold, 2 silver, and 0 copper with the rest of the group. All numbers must be present, use 0 for coins to not be split. Make sure you put the zeros in there or you will split more than you intended. /surname [/sur] [name] - After you reach level 20, you can use this command to choose your last name. Make sure you type in exactly what you want your name to be, since you can't change it. /tell [name] - Sends a message to the named character. /time - Gives you the time of day and date in Norrath. This is another command you may want to put in your hot keys, especially if you are a human and need to know how long it is until it gets dark. Will also give you the RL time and date /trackfilter [Red/Yellow/White/Blue/Green] – Specify here what NPC /con colors you do not want to see in your tracking display. For example, /trackfilter Red will remove all 'red' (dangerous) NPCs from your tracking display. /trackplayers [ON/OFF] – Allows those with the tracking skill to indicate whether or not they want player characters to show up in their tracking list. /who [/w] - Brings up a list of characters in your zone or on the server per your filter. You should get familiar with using this command, since it is very useful. If someone invites you to join type /who his name to see his race, class and level. If you're missing a corpse, try /who b or /who n to find a bard or necromancer to ask for help. If you're not sure you have a corpse in a zone, /who corpse will tell you. Looking for a Cleric, try /who c. Wondering if your friend is in the game yet, try /who all his name and it will tell you. Looking for people within a certain level range (say 18 to 22), type /who 18 22. Filter by following command with "all" for the entire server (all can be used in conjunction with the other filters), a class (first letter of class will do) for members of that class, a race for members of that race, a name for characters with that name, "corpse" to list the number of corpses you have in the zone, "friends" for a list of friends online, a number for people of that level; two numbers for a level range, "count" to know the number of people fitting a filter (/who all count gives total number in the game), "guild name" for members of a guild, GUILD for members of your guild. /yell [/y] - You yell for help. People around you will hear "XX yells for help from your [direction]. This is a very useful emote/command which you may want to consider hot keying. Hand-to-Hand Every class starts out with this skill. One should practice this skill to at least a marginal degree, in order to defend themselves in case of death or disarmament. Hide Allows the user a chance to blend in with the local flora. The user does not know if the skill has been successful or not. The only way to know that you have hidden successfully is by changing to a view where you can not see yourself or have () around your name, if you have See Invisible as a buff. Hot Key or Hot Buttons To make any interface button accessible at all times, there’s a Hot Button bank to the left of the screen with six or ten (depending with view you are in), sets of blank buttons. The arrows up at the top will cycle you through each page. You can program ONLY up to 60 hot keys or buttons. Hot key shortcuts are a GOOD idea. You can copy any interface button, skill, spell or Ability/Comabt/Social/Main button onto a blank Hot Key. To add a Hot Key: 1. Click-and-hold on the button you want to copy. 2. Wait for a floating button to appear on your cursor (about 2 seconds). 3. Click on a blank Hot button slot. Sometimes, the button will not place, just do steps over again. It can be frustrating, but once you learn how to do it, you will be much happier you have them! To remove a Hot button: 1. Click-and-hold on the Hot button you want to delete. 2. Wait for that Hot button to float on your cursor. 3. Click anywhere in your front view to "drop" the button. You can cycle through the Hot button sets by clicking the arrows, or by pressing + 1 through 6. The number of the currently selected bank appears between the arrows. You may want to consider placing the following actions on Hot buttons: Sit/Stand Invite/Disband Run/Walk Spells (To sit you in your spell book, will also stand you back up out of spell book) Combat skills you often use (Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, etc.) Spells you often use (any spell you’ve memorized) Skills you often use (Fishing, Lay Hands, Foraging, Track, Sense Heading, Bind Wounds, etc.) Social actions you often use (such as "/shout", "/wave", "/consider", etc.) You also have several "blank" buttons under the SOCIALS. These are for you to create your own Hot Keys. When a blank button is right click, you will get a pop up window for programming this button. On the top field, type what you want Hot Key named. Like LOC. Then click on the first line and type /loc. Then DONE. You have created a hot key to place in your box on the left! Follow directions for adding hot keys above. When you click this key, you will have your location! Some suggestions for player created Hot Keys: /loc for Location /follow for Auto-following another player /corpse for dragging your corpse or another players corpse when consented /assist [player's name you are assisting] Would look like this if you are assisting someone named Daytyme /assist Daytyme /who all GUILD for if you are in a Guild, you can see who is in game. In my spell book, I have my GATE spell on page 7 on all my caster characters. I have made a Hot Key just for this... /book 7 and have titled the button GATE. I have also made a Hot Key on my Druid titled EVAC which looks like this in the text portion /book 16. Takes me straight to my Teleport Spell Succor: RO. Group evacuation spell for when we are in trouble and need to get out of a bad place NOW. I mem it fast and get us out as quickly as possible if I have not memmed it already as a precaution! I use the Ro Evac because it is the safest ring for my party at all times. No NPC's to attack my favorite Dark Elf Shadowknight! And when an evac spell is casted, usually many party members are very low on health as well as mana An Incoming key is also a great idea whether you are the puller or not. Mine is titled INC and the text portion varies, but this is what it could look like: I was minding my own business and %t tried to eat me! Thinks I am a tasty little Wood Elf! LETS DESTROY %O! This is what it looks like to my group: Adrastea tells the group: "I was minding my own business and a frost giant tried to eat me! Thinks I am a tasty little Wood Elf! LETS DESTROY Him!" All you have to do is target the Monster and click your incoming key. On my cleric I have made a hot key titled OUCH. Since the monsters just love her so very much, I need to alert my group when they attack her. The text portion looks like this: OUCH! OWIE! OUCHY! OW! OH THE PAIN! I click that a few times to make sure it is seen and the tanks come taunt the monster off me. Silly hot key, but effective. It is not so much what the message itself says, it is the capitals that gets the groups attention with all the messages scrolling past at speed faster than Spirit of Cheetah! Other useful hot keys are ones telling the group if you have feared, snared, rooted, or mezzed a monster. Instill Doubt A peculiar ability of the Rogue, thought to create a sense of impending doom in those that they are in combat with. Often causes the target to turn its back and flee, giving the Rogue a chance to use the Backstab skill (a very nasty combination). Monk ability also. Intelligence INT is the mana determinant for the non-priestly casters (Wizard, Enchanter, Magician, Necromancer), their derived hybrid (Shadowknight), and also determines how quickly one will gain skills. As such, it is important to all classes, but is especially so for the four non-priestly casters. Jewel Craft Allows one to fashion jewelry gems and precious metals. A good trade skill for those that want to make money through means other than mass slaughter. Enchanters make the best Jewelers, since they have the enchant metal spells. Example: Velium Ruby Veil & Golden Hematite Choker. Jewelry Kit required. Kick Available to fighter classes. Allows the user a chance to inflict some extra damage during combat. Location (/loc) The /loc command gives you 3 sets of numbers. Numbers reported via the /loc (location) command are given to you in the following format: X,Y,Z X is sideways (horizontal) [north & south] Y is long ways (vertical) [west & east] Z is up/down (height on a 3 dimensional plane) [elevation] Make Poison A skill unique to the Rogue. Self explanatory. Meditate Magic users should get accustomed to using this skill. Allows faster regeneration of mana. Don't waste training points on it at the trainer, as you will use it so much that the skill will go up on its own. Mend Wounds A Monk ability to heal one's self. If not performed properly this skill can actually cause damage to the target. Offense The overall ability to inflict damage during combat. Old Erudian Ability to speak and understand Old Erudian. One-Hand Blunt Ability to use a blunt object that only requires one hand to wield. One-Hand Slashing Ability to hit others with one-handed blades, such as small to medium swords and axes. Parry Ability to deflect blows with one's weapon. Percussion The ability of the Bard to use the drums. Some bard songs can only be played on percussion instruments. Pet Druid's, Enchanter's, Magician's, Necromancer's, Shadow Knight's, Shaman, and soon, Wizards, have pets. All pet's obey commands, with the exception of the Enchanter's Pet, only a few of the listed commands are useable. Not sure if the Wizard's pet will obey commands as of yet... These commands are: /pet as you were - Makes pet forget all other commands including follow. /pet attack - Pet will attack MOB you have targeted. /pet back off - Tells pet to quit attacking target, if you are attacking, pet will continue to also. /pet follow me - Pet will start following you, cancels any other guard commands. /pet get lost - Pet commits suicide. /pet guard here - Makes pet stand in one one location, which he will return to after fights. /pet guard me - Pet will attack MOB's around you, including NPC's you do not wish to attack. /pet health report - Displays pet's current HP's. /pet who leader - Pet will report who summoned it. /pet report health - Pet will tell you it's HP status. /pet sit down - Causes pet to sit in one place and rest. /pet stand up - If pet is sitting, he will stand up. /pet target - Targets your pet. [also F1] /pet taunt or /pet no taunt - toggles whether your pet will taunt in battle. Pick Lock A Rogue-specific skill that allows possible entry into locked confines. Sometimes the only way to get into certain areas of Norrath. Pick Pocket PvP+ may attempt to pick the pocket of NPCs or PvP+ PCs. PvP- is limited to NPCs. Piercing Ability to use piercing weapons, such as spears and daggers. A great skill for rogues. Pottery Allows people to craft clay into pottery. Example: Mixing Bowl, Small Clay Container, and Clay Deity. Pottery Wheel and Kiln required. Race As of right now, there are 12 races to choose from. Depending on your race, will depend on where you are welcome in the different cities. Do you want a "good", "neutral" or "evil" race? Barbarian Dark Elf Dwarf Erudite Gnome Half Elf Halfling High Elf Human Iksar Ogre Troll Wood Elf (See the Creation Chart under EQ Info for explanation of the above Classes.) Research Permits the magic using classes to assemble spells from component pieces. Spell Research is a trade skill, similar in theory to tailoring and cooking. Specific items are inserted in to a container, combining to produce a new item. All magi begin researching spells at level 16. To do spell research, you will need a Tome specific to your class, these can be purchased in your guild hall. Research instruction books can also be purchased in your guild hall. All instruction books are written in languages other than common. To learn the fundamentals of a language, you must train one point in the language with your guild master. Once you have learned the fundamentals, you will be able to advance your linguistic skills through use – usually by listening to someone speak in that language. Research instruction books will list the components needed to produce a scroll. Spell components can be found scattered throughout the world. They appear randomly on different creatures, so you will not have to ‘camp’ a spot to get a certain component. Components can be stored, traded, bought, and sold. Research components are usually found on intelligent creatures or on creatures that are innately magical. Wizards use a Lexicon. Magacians use an Elemental Grimoire. Enchanters use a Tome of Endless Enchantments. Necromancers use a Book of Dark Bindings. Riposte Special attack. Round Kick Special Monk attack. Safe Fall The ability of Monks and Rogues to fall from great heights and reduce the damage inflicted upon themselves. Sense Heading Very useful for one who does not want to get lost. It is recommended that one practice this skill after each level-up until it maxes out. Sense Traps An ability of the Rogue to detect traps on objects or in passageways. Singing An ability of Bards to cast songs that require the use of their voice. Skill Chart For Trades, Languages and Abilities Chart Point Range Description 0-10 Awful 11-20 Feeble 21-30 Very Bad 31-40 Bad 41-50 Below Average 51-70 Average 71-80 Good 81-90 Very Good 91-100 Excellent 101-255 Master Slam An ability to the the larger races only, (no matter the class), resulting in an extra melee attack during combat. Smithing The ability to shape ore into valuable metal items. These items are of better weight and utility than those sold in stores. Example: Lockpicks, Muffin Tins, & Iron Boots. Forge Required. Sneak Ability to sneak up on other players and NPCs unnoticed. When used, walking pace is slowed to half of normal speed. Specialization When a magic user attains a high enough level, (usually 20th or 30th level), this skill becomes available. It allows the user to "specialize" in a spell casting skill of his or her choice. The added talent in the selected area allows the magic user to cast faster and with less mana usage. Spell Gem Colors The spell gem colors in the Spell screen interface describe a particular spell’s effects. Some spells can only be casted on yourself, on a particular type of target, or in a general area. Yellow - You can only cast it on yourself. Red - You can cast it on your current target. Green - The spell affects anyone close to your target. Blue - The spell has no range, and will radiate out from you. Orange - The spell only summons items and doesn’t affect anyone. Purple - You can cast it on everyone in your group. Stamina STA determines your starting hit points and how many hit points you get per level. The other factors in this equation are race and class. If you want to be able to take a bigger beating, put some points into STA. In addition, this attribute affects your Stamina points, and, therefore, how quickly your character fatigues over time. Strength First and most apparently, STR determines your weight limit. Each STR point allows you a weight point. Secondly, STR determines upper damage caps which becomes more obvious at levels 20+. The bonus is minor, but helps classes such as Rogues with Backstab, and the looting capacity is very nice at the upper levels when you are finding many weapons and plate level armor. Stringed Instruments The ability of the Bard to use a stringed instrument. Some songs are only playable with this skill and the appropriate instrument. Swimming The ability to travel and breath while in water. This skill increases the amount of time you can swim without tiring and how long you can stay underwater. Many areas in Norrath are only reachable by swimming, sometimes over long distances. It is advisable that one train this skill. Tailoring Allows anyone to sew fine leather items from hides and pelts. Making your own armor can produce better and cheaper armor than can be found in the stores of Norrath. Example: Raw Silk Tunic, Wu's Armor, Backpacks and Fleeting Quiver. Tailoring Kit required. Taunt Allows the user a chance to enrage the target to such a degree that it considers the user enemy number one and will try to kill them before killing everyone else. This is a good way to save a comrade's life when he is down to a sliver of health. Throwing Ability to use throwing weapons. Tiger Claw Special Monk attack. Tinkering Allows Gnomes to fabricate mechanical items. Example: Collapsible Fishing Pole, Gnomish Fireworks, and Spyglass. Toolbox required. Thieves Cant Secret thieves' language performed by the use of body language. Also called "the bird". Track Ability of the user to sense the presence of others in the area. Two-Handed Blunt Ability to use two-handed blunt weapons. Two-Handed Slashing Ability to use two-handed slashing weapons. Wind Instruments The horn, pipe and other instruments are required for certain Bard song-spells. Wisdom WIS is the mana determinant for the priestly casters, and their derived hybrids (Cleric, Shaman, Druid, Ranger, Paladin). It is bar none the most important stat for the former three classes and a consideration for the latter two. In addition, WIS provides a last chance to succeed at a failed skill roll. Although INT is the secondary skill-up attribute for most skills, WIS may grant you to continue a failed skill roll. Minimal as the chance may be, it is still the opportunity to succeed on a roll one has already failed via skill check.
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times since November 4, 2001