I have had many questions pertaining to the pros and cons of faction on the Giants
and Coldain, where to hunt in Velious & quests available. Going to
give you all my opinions on this at one time. I enjoy talking to you
all in game about this, but I have so much to say that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get
it all out in the typing while playing. Some of you will agree with what I
have to say and some will disagree, remember that this is my thoughts and
opinions only, yours may differ.
My Overview:
Go to Velious at around level 30, in some cases, earlier. Many of us in the
Guild can lead, guide, bind, direct and aid you upon learning the zones.
The BEST place to fight is to start at The Sugarbowl, named by Selias &
Gravviss, for they are the ones who discovered and showed me this fine
place. It is located by the prison in Eastern Wastes. There is a
SAFE medding and kiting place, where nothing aggros or spawns on you! It
is the safest place I have found that gives you both med & fighting safety.
Can't ask for too much more there, eh? Okay, now while at Sugarbowl, KILL
walrus's, ulthorks, rhino's, giants, and if you must, those cute little snow
bunnies, for rumor has it that they are place holders for the ulthorks. At level 30 the walrus's and
ulthork hunters are the ones you
want. If you get lucky and trip across ulthork tusks. KEEP
THEM! Put them in the bank and I will explain further down.
Okay, you have been playing here for a few levels, maybe made a venture to
Crystal Caverns to take in the sights of the evil Orc's mining away, visited and
hailed the inhabitants in the city, that no one can figure how to build faction
with to use the vendors, except the banker. Although, if you can cast
Benevolence or a similar like spell, you can use the vendors! You may have
even killed a few Giants
up at the Giant fort by now. Now, you are around 38, go to DL, soak up the
EXP for a few levels and then venture back to Velious. Spend your time
alternatively between killing ulthorks, walrus's & giants. Mix a few
Rhino's, Kodiak's and Snow Bunnies in if you must, maybe a random orc or Snow
Griffin, remembering to bank the snow griffin eggs for the quest I shall start
talking about in a paragraph or so.
the way, you should have looted Frost Giant Toes & Heads by now, also. SAVE THEM!
Again... will explain further down. Alright, you are level 40 or so now.
Pat yourself on the back... getting there... Now go to the Giant Fort
in Eastern Wastes and spend countless hours killing MORE GIANTS. Or take a
stroll into Great Divide, right inside the zone to the right side is a ledge,
GREAT safe spot for medding and kiting. A little small, but it is within
kiting limits still! You want to spend a lot of time killing Dire Wolves
& Frost Giants. I spent around 40 RL hours on wiping out the evil
Frost Giants of Velious. You will need to kill about 250-300 of them, including
any Dire Wolves that dare to cross your path.
Ok, now why do you want to do this...
Remember those toes & heads...
Frost Giant Toes - You need 4 toes
Reward(s): Burlap Coldain Prayer Shawl
AC: +1 Wis: +1 Int: +1 Cold Resist: +1
Weight: 1.0
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Inventory Slot: Shoulder
Velious Required: Yes
Can be stored in Medium and larger containers
Kromrif Heads - You need 10 heads & The Burlap Coldain Prayer Shawl
Reward(s): Cloth Coldain Prayer Shawl
AC: +2 Wis: +2 Int: +2 Cold Resist: +2
Weight: 2.0
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Inventory Slot: Shoulder
Velious Required: Yes
Can be stored in Medium and larger containers
Now, those 2 items may not be looking so hot, right? It gets better... All
directions for this Quest are located at: (print it, if you are able)
The Trailtracker
Website or at Our
Guild "Sacred Honor" Website
I have NOT completed this entire quest, except for what is on that link above.
will be adding to it, when I do the next quest steps or can verify with
reliable sources all the information. But for now, this is a GREAT item
& range item for all caster and hybrid types. Please READ and/or print
it. Also on The
Trailtracker Website there is a section called "Trade Skills". There you will
find how to build both baking & pottery as fast as I did. In the
meantime... start working tailoring, for that is the part of this quest I am
working now.
Here are the 2 items I have now:
Fur-Lined Coldain Prayer Shawl
AC: +4 Wis: +4 Int: +4 Cold Resist: +4
Weight: 2.0
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Inventory Slot: Shoulder
Velious Required: Yes
Can be stored in Medium and large container
Seal of Thoridain
AC: +3 Wis: +3 Int: +3 Magic Resist: +3 Cold Resist: +3
Mana: +30
Weight: 1.0
Classes: All Classes
Races: All Races
Inventory Slot: Ranged Weapon
Velious Required: Yes
Can be stored in Medium and larger containers
Not looking quite so bad now, eh?
Onto discussing the faction... From the giants and dire wolves this is what you will
Your faction standing with Coldain got better
Your faction standing with the Claws of Veeshan got better
Of course, ALL Giant faction in VELIOUS ONLY gets WORSE
This is also what you WANT! Why do want to get these faction hits? The
Coldain (Thurgadin) will grow to adore you and so will the inhabitants of
Skyshrine and the Cobalt Drakes in Cobalt Scar. Here is the MAIN one...
WUOSHI... no Wuoshi is NOT a Care Bear. She is the Dragon that Guards the
Druid Ring in Wakening Lands. Ever plan on porting there? Or into
Cobalt safely, where there are Cobalt Drakes wandering around? Sure, you
can be ported into Cobalt safely under the disguise of invisibility, this will NOT help
you with Wuoshi. And you can zip through Skyshrine and pray that blasted
random invisibility holds out. But here is the big thing: You WILL NOT be
able to use the vendors in Thurgadin or Skyshrine if you become a Coldain Killer
and befriend the Giants and can't do some really cool quests that Velious has to
offer. Sure, you can use the Bank in Kael Drakkal and cruise on through at
a snails pace to Wakening Lands, run the wall to avoid Wuoshi to get to
Skyshrine or have a druid port you to Cobalt Scar, and do the quests available
if you have good Giant faction, but AGAIN, will be unwelcome in many zones in
Velious. Plat for Plat... There are More and just as good quests, if not
better, (IMHO), that involve good
faction in Skyshrine & Thurgadin than there are for Kael Drakkal.
Again, bear in mind... This is my opinion ONLY!
Now, onto those ulthork tusks you have been saving in the bank, that you curse me
every time you have no room in your vault... Have your friendly neighborhood
Guide, run you through Kael Drakkal, invisible of course... again, praying to your
deity that your invisibility will hold out... to Wakening Lands. Once in Wakening
your Guide will lead you around the zone and away from Wuoshi to Skyshrine.
When you zone into Skyshrine, stay a HEALTHY distance away from the Guards, drop that
invisibility and con away... you want to be at least apprehensive, I suggest Indifferent. I
have seen people wiped out by Wuoshi while conning dubiously or apprehensive.
If not, go kill some more Frost Giants and Dire Wolves OR keep that invisibility UP and
do the following:
(If you are conning safely enough, no worrying about that
Have your Guide led you through Skyshrine to Cobalt Scar... This Guide will have
a key on him or her to "unlock" the zone entrance to Cobalt Scar, (The
key is another subject all its own, see further down, and fairly simple to get).
Once in Cobalt
Scar, run and get your Tooth from the Druid ring! And now you can DESTROY
your Great Divide Tooth & if you have it... Your Wakening Lands Tooth.
For the Cobalt Scar Tooth is the Highest and will let you access to Great Divide,
Wakening Lands & Cobalt Scar Druid rings! This is a Soul Bound item
& will stay with you if you die...
Consider Statements:
+4, ally
+3, warmly
+2, kindly
+1, amiably
0, indifferently
-1, apprehensively
-2, dubiously
-3, threateningly
-4, ready to attack
You have your tooth? Congrats! Let us go check a little more
Remember all those walrus's and
ulthorks I said you should have
been killing further up? Let us go test your faction to see if you did! On the
lower level of Cobalt Scar is where the Othmir are. Every time you killed a
walrus or an ulthork, you received a faction statement telling you your faction
got better with the Othmir. Have your Guide lead you to a safe distance,
target, drop that invis, (if you have it on you), and con away! You
should be Indifferent or better if you did what I described way up top.
Are you? Yes? Guess what? You can now unload those ulthork
Tusks that you have been whining to me about taking up all that room in the
bank! You turn 4 at a time into The Chief, he then gives you an item in
return. Sometimes nothing great and sometimes a rare gem, up to a Diamond!
I have received 2 rubies, another gem that the name escapes me right now, two
black sapphires, a sapphire necklace and some powder I need for another Velious
Quest. Not too shabby, eh? Another piece of advice here... Wolf form
a BIG NO-NO if you do NOT con at least Kindly. It drops you down in
faction 1-2 depending on your status in the faction hit... I con Ally normally,
in wolf form warmly. I have never tried wolf form in Skyshrine. Will have
to eventually...
A few more notes...
Claws of Veeshan faction has NO bearing on faction in
Plane of Growth, it is all Tunare faction from all that I have seen, read, and
been told:
of Tunare
of Tunare
of Tunare
of Growth
So, if the druids are not fond of you at the Druid Rings... Ummmm, go in Invis!
The Claws of Veeshan faction, however is a great thing to have to get to Plane
of Mischief from all I have been told, for you have to go through Temple of Veeshan to get there and from
what I have heard, many things see through invis there.
Your class,
race, and deity hold NO faction against you in Velious, EXCEPT in Plane of
Growth. Plane of Mischief seems to be on faction all it's own.
In Eastern Wastes,
there is a very Dangerous MOB... The Kromrif Death Squad. Be advised.
They are deadly! They run almost as fast as sow. And double hit for
over 120 pts at a time, not much except when you have 3-4 pounding on your head!
They spawn by the Kael Drakkal entrance. You WILL know! They see
through invis and you get this statement:
"You have been ambushed by the
Kromrif Death Squad"
Piece of advice... RUN, RUN, RUN and RUN
as fast as you can to the nearest zone you can locate in your panic. DO NOT look for them,
don't turn around, don't bother with exterior or overhead views, JUST RUN! And get out
of the zone as fast as possible to clear the aggro. DO NOT attempt to
GATE! It will not work, you have about 2-5 seconds after that ambush
message to high tail your buns or tail out of there. If they are on you
and you get to another zone safely, stay in the other zone for a few minutes.
They hover around that zone for a few minutes before they wander or pop back to
whence they came. Whenever entering Eastern Wastes, if you spot
a Giant, con it IMMEDIATELY. If it is the Death Squad... quietly and quickly zone back from
hence you came.
Ahhh, one more little tidbit... Warden
Bruke, who is
located in Sugarbowl, in the prison... LEAVE HIM BE, unless you are completely prepared for what happens when you pull him. When Bruke is pulled, an
ungodly amount of Prison Guards spawn. I counted 35 the last time some
dope tried it. Yes, this dope has tried it also... just call me dopey, too.
5. Another small piece of advise... Print the maps if able, work Sense Heading and
learn how to use the LOC if you have avoided doing so far. This will be EXTREMELY helpful to you, more so
in Velious than any other place, I have found.
I have tried to make sure that all points are made here and clear to all.
Another suggestion... There is a quest involving the Geonides in Wakening lands,
The Velium Focus.
Here is the item you can achieve through this quest:
+5 Dex: +3 Int: +10 Cha: +3 Magic
Resist: +5 Fire Resist: +3 Cold Resist: +3 Poison
Resist: +3 Disease Resist: +3 Mana: +40
Necromancer Enchanter Magician Wizard
All Races
Slot: Either Melee
Velious Required: Yes
be stored in Medium and larger containers
updated: Thu Dec 14 16:53:18 2000
to Attain: 45
If you want to do
this quest. DO NOT KILL THE GEONIDES in Crystal Caverns!
that "key" I talked about further up? Below is 3 different
methods on how to obtain the key. I got lucky, the first time I went to Skyshrine,
a group was killing Ziglark for experience. They let me loot the key. But
just in case you are not that lucky, see below.
To Cobalt Scar
order to pass beyond Skyshrine, the Dragons of the Claws of Veeshan demand that
you prove your loyalty to them by performing a small task. There are 3
methods to do this:
Kill Ziglark and mess up your faction with the Claws of Veeshan.
Wait for someone to kill Ziglark that will let you loot the key.
Do the quest.
1: Kill Ziglark
you zone into Skyshrine from Wakening Lands, go through the gate and then make a
right. Go up the stairs. Ziglark spawns in the room on the left after
you reach the top of the stairs. Ziglark is on a 22 minute timer.
You will know when you are there because he is camped 24 hours a day due to the
demand of the key and his short spawn time. WARNING: Bad faction
hit for killing him against Claws of Veeshan
2: Wait for someone else to kill Ziglark
3: Quest
Ziglark and say, "I am worthy", he will then tell you that he has not
heard from his
spy in Kael Drakkal for some time and that he needs you to deliver his payment
(200pp) and a note to their spy. You will receive a scroll to take to
Wenglawks in Kael.
The spy, Wenglawks, can be found in Kael Drakkal (near all the lesser nobles).
Take 200 pp, and the note you received from Ziglark to him and he will give you
"the information your employer has requested". After you zone in
FROM the wakening lands, go through the first ice tunnel and up the stairs. Turn
left at the top of the stairs and go to the building with two doors. Go through
another door and the spy will be there with another noble. Give Wenglawks
the scroll from Ziglark, as well as 200pp in cash. Wenglawks will give you
another note in return for you top take back to Ziglark. Remember that
when you present the plat & note, you will become visible though your icon
is still up. Wenglawks will not attack you, from what I've heard, unless another
giant aggros on you. Wenglawks will then abort the trade and attack you.
The best advice I have heard is to give him the items on the ramp, being careful
to stay close. He will not stop, but walks quite slowly.
back to Ziglark and give him the note from Wenglawks. Ziglark will give
you the key in return.
must be dubious or higher with Claws of Veeshan to complete the quest. The
key is no drop, lore, soul bound key to Cobalt scar. It acts like a Group
port, if one person in a group uses the key all group members near him are zoned
into Cobalt Scar. You do not need the key to zone in from Cobalt Scar to
There are great quests for armor in Velious. Can check out the 3 different
armor quests at this link: Velious
Armor Quests
That is my Very Humble Synopsis on Faction in Velious. Most all of the
information you find here is all from me and my experience with Velious.
Some of the information came from the following links as confirmation to my
a mistake? See something I missed? PLEASE email ADRASTEA OR SELIAS!
(Creator of this section)
(Site Web Master)